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(1) 配电系统规划与运行
(2) 分布式能源与微电网
(3) 电网安全性与稳定性
(1) 国家重大基础研究计划(973)项目:“分布式发电供能系统相关基础研究”,编号:2009CB219700),2009-2013,项目首席科学家
(2) 教育部科学技术研究重大项目,“分布式能源发电系统并网运行关键技术”,编号:306004,2006.1-2008.12
(3) 国家高技术研究发展计划(863计划)项目:“兆瓦级冷热电联供分布式能源微网系统并网关键技术研究与工程示范”,编号:2007AA05Z250,2008.1-2010.12
(4) 国家基金委重大国际合作(英国)项目:智能配电网综合运行与规划研究,编号:51261130473,2013.1-2015.12
(5) 国际合作项目(美国EPRI):Development of Power System Transient Stability Region,编号:EP-P24225/C11739,2007.5-2008.5
[1] Chengshan Wang, Peng Li, Jianzhong Wu, “Workforce Training and Education on Smart Grids”, Smart Grid Handbook, Volume 2, 149-160, John Wiley & Sons,Ltd. 2016.
[2] Chengshan Wang, Kai Yuan, Peng Li, Bingqi Jiao, Guanyu Song. A Projective integration method for transient stability assessment of power systems with a high penetration of distributed generation. IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 2016. (Early Access)
[3] Chengshan Wang, Yang Mi, Yang Fu, Peng Wang. Frequency control of an isolated micro-grid using double sliding mode controllers and disturbance observer. IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 2016. (Early Access)
[4] Chengshan Wang, Xianshen Yang, Zhen Wu, Yanbo Che, Li Guo, Shuhuai Zhang, Yixin Liu. A highly integrated and reconfigurable microgrid testbed with hybrid distributed energy sources. IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 7(1): 451-459, 2016.
[5] Chengshan Wang, Bingqi Jiao, Li Guo, Zhe Tian, Jide Niu, Siwei Li. Robust scheduling of building energy system under uncertainty. Applied Energy, 167(1): 366-376, 2016.
[6] Chengshan Wang, Yixin Liu, Xialin Li, Li Guo, Lei Qiao, Hai Lu. Energy management system for stand-alone diesel-wind-biomass microgrid with energy storage system. Energy, 97(15): 90-104, 2016.
[7] Jinwei He, Yunwei Li, Chengshan Wang, Beihua Liang. Simultaneous microgrid voltage and current harmonics compensation using coordinated control of dual-interfacing-converters. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 2016. (Early Access)
[8] Jinwei He, Yunwei Li, Xiaodong Liang, Dehong Xu, Beihua Liang, Chengshan Wang. Deadbeat weighted average current control with corrective feed-forward compensation for microgrid converters with non-standard LCL Filter. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 2016. (Early Access)
[9] Jinwei He, Yunwei Li, Ruiqi Wang, Chengshan Wang. A measurement method to solve a problem of using DG interfacing converters for selective load harmonic filtering. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 31(3): 1852 – 1856, 2016.
[10] Dan Wang, Yue Zhou, Hongjie Jia, Chengshan Wang, Ning Lu, Pang-Chieh Sui, Menghua Fan. An energy-constrained state priority list model using deferrable electrolyzers as a load management mechanism. Applied Energy, 167(1): 201-210, 2016.
[11] Wanyu Cao, Jianzhong Wu, Nick Jenkins, Chengshan Wang, Timothy Green. Benefits analysis of Soft Open Points for electrical distribution network operation. Applied Energy, 165(1): 36-47, 2016.
[12] Wanyu Cao, Jianzhong Wu, Nick Jenkins, Chengshan Wang, Timothy Green. Operating principle of soft open points for electrical distribution network operation. Applied Energy, 164(15): 245-257, 2016.
[13] Yimin Wang, Jianhui Wang, Xuzhu Dong, Pengwei Du, Ming Ni, Chengshan Wang, Liangzhong Yao, Boming Zhang, Chen Chen. Guest editorial smart grid technologies and development in China. IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 7(1): 379-380, 2016.
[14] Li Guo, Zhouzi Yu, Chengshan Wang, Fangxing Li, Jean Schiettekatte, Jean-Claude Deslauriers, Lingquan Bai. Optimal design of battery energy storage system for a wind–diesel off-grid power system in a remote Canadian community. IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution, 10(3): 608-616, 2016.
[15] Li Guo, Wenjian Liu, Xialin Li, Yixin Liu, Bingqi Jiao, Wei Wang, Chengshan Wang, Fangxing Li. Energy management system for stand-alone wind-powered-desalination microgrid. IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 7(2): 1079-1087, 2016.
[16] Chengshan Wang, Li Guo, Peng Li, ”Optimal Dispatch and Design of Microgrid System”, Handbook of Clean Energy System, Volume 4:Intelligent Energy Systems, 1997-2014, John Wiley & Sons,Ltd.2015
[17] Chengshan Wang, Yue Zhou, Jianzhong Wu, Jidong Wang, Yiqiang Zhang, Dan Wang. Robust-index method for household load scheduling considering uncertainties of customer behavior. IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 6(4): 1806-1818, 2015.
[18] Chengshan Wang, Xiaopeng Fu, Peng Li, Jianzhong Wu. Accurate dense output formula for exponential integrators using the scaling and squaring method. Applied Mathematics Letters, 43: 101-107, 2015.
[19] Chengshan Wang, Hao Yu, Peng Li, Jianzhong Wu, Chengdi Ding, Guanyu Song, Dun Lin, Feng Xing. EMTP-type program realization of Krylov subspace based model reduction methods for large-scale active distribution network. CSEE Journal of Power and Energy Systems, 1(1): 52-60, 2015.
[20] Chengshan Wang, Hao Yu, Li, Peng, Jianzhong Wu, Chengdi Ding. Model order reduction for transient simulation of active distribution networks. IET Generation, Transmission and Distribution, 9(5): 457-467, 2015.
[21] Chengshan Wang, Yue Zhou, Binqi Jiao, Yamin Wang, Wenjian Liu, Dan Wang. Robust optimization for load scheduling of a smart home with photovoltaic system. Energy Conversion and Management, 102(0), 2015.
[22] Chengshan Wang, Wei Li, Zhun Meng, Yifeng Wang, Jiegui Zhou. Three-phase high-power and zero-current switching OBC for plug-in electric vehicles. Energies, 8(0): 6672-6704, 2015.
[23] Jun Xiao, Xin Li, Wenzhuo Gu, Fangxing Li, Chengshan Wang. Model of distribution system total supply capability considering feeder and substation transformer contingencies. International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems, 65(0): 419-424, 2015.
[24] Chengshan Wang, Xialin Li, Li Guo, Yunwei Li. A nonlinear-disturbance-observer-based DC-bus voltage control for a hybrid AC/DC microgrid. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 29(11): 6162-6177, 2014.
[25] Chengshan Wang, Binqi Jiao, Li Guo, Kai Yuan, Bing Sun. Optimal planning of stand-alone microgrids incorporating reliability. Journal of Modern Power Systems & Clean Energy, 2014, 2(3):195-205.
[26] Dan Wang, Hongjie Jia, Chengshan Wang, Ning Lu, Menghua Fan, Weiwei Miao, Zhe Liu. Performance evaluation of controlling thermostatically controlled appliances as virtual generators using comfort-constrained state-queueing models. IET Generation Transmission and Distribution, 8(4): 591-599, 2014.
[27] Yunfei Mu, Jianzhong Wu, Nick Jenkins, Hongjie Jia, Chengshan Wang. A spatial-temporal model for grid impact analysis of plug-in electric vehicles. Applied Energy, 114(SI): 456-465, 2014.
[28] Dan Wang, Shaoyun Ge, Hongjie Jia, Chengshan Wang, Yue Zhou, Ning Lu, Xiangyu Kong. A demand response and battery storage coordination algorithm for providing microgrid tie-line smoothing services. IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, 5(2): 476-486, 2014.
[29] Jun Xiao, Linquan Bai, Fangxing Li, Haishen Liang, Chengshan Wang. Sizing of energy storage and diesel generators in an isolated microgrid using discrete Fourier transform (DFT). IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, 5(3): 907-916, 2014.
[30] Hong Liu, Jun Han, Shaoyun Ge, Chengshan Wang. Improved analytical method of power supply capability on distribution systems. International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems, 63: 97-104, 2014.
[31] Yan Li, Wenzhong Gao, Jiuchun Jiang, Chengshan Wang, Eduard Muljadi. Unified calculation of eigen-solutions in power systems based on matrix perturbation theory. Science China-Technological Sciences, 57(8): 1594-1601, 2014.
[32] Zhiying Lu, Shiju Wang, Shaoyun Ge, Chengshan Wang. Substation planning method based on the weighted voronoi diagram using an intelligent optimisation algorithm. IET Generation, Transmission and Distribution, 8(12): 2173-2182, 2014.
[33] Li Guo, Wenjian Liu, Bingqi Jiao, Bowen Hong, Chengshan Wang. Multi-objective stochastic optimal planning method for stand-along microgrid system. IET Generation Transmission and Distribution, 8(7): 1263-1273, 2014.
[34] Liu Hong,Han Jun,Ge Shaoyun,Wang Chengshan.Improved analytical method of power supply capability on distribution systems.International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems,2014,63:97-104.
[35] Wang Chengshan,Li Xialin,Guo Li,Li Yunwei.A nonlinear-disturbance-observer-based DC-bus voltage control for a hybrid AC/DC microgrid.IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics,2014,29(11):6162-6177.
[36] Li Yan,Gao Wenzhong,Jiang Jiuchun,Wang Chengshan,Muljadi Eduard.Unified calculation of eigen-solutions in power systems based on matrix perturbation theory.Science China-Technological Sciences,2014,57(8):1594-1601.
[37] Xiao Jun,Bai Linquan,Li Fangxing,Liang Haishen,Wang Chengshan.Sizing of energy storage and diesel generators in an isolated microgrid using discrete Fourier transform (DFT).IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy,2014,5(3):907-916.
[38] Wang Dan,Jia Hongjie,Wang Chengshan,Lu Ning,Fan Menghua,Miao Weiwei,Liu Zhe.Performance evaluation of controlling thermostatically controlled appliances as virtual generators using comfort-constrained state-queueing models.IET Generation Transmission and Distribution,2014,8(4):591-599.
[39] Wang Dan,Ge Shaoyunm,Jia Hongjie,Wang Chengshan,Zhou Yue,Lu Ning,Kong Xiangyu.A demand response and battery storage coordination algorithm for providing microgrid tie-line smoothing services.IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy,2014,5(2):476-486.
[40] Mu Yunfei,Wu Jianzhong,Jenkins Nick,Jia Hongjie,Wang Chengshan.A Spatial-Temporal model for grid impact analysis of plug-in electric vehicles.Applied Energy,2014,114(SI):456-465.
[41] Guo Li,Liu Wenjian,Jiao Bingqi,Hong Bowen,Wang Chengshan.Multi-objective stochastic optimal planning method for stand-along microgrid system.IET Generation Transmission and Distribution,2014,8(7):1263-1273.
[42] Guo Li,Liu Wenjian,Cai Jiejin,Hong Bowen,Wang Chengshan.A two-stage optimal planning and design method for combined cooling,heat and power microgrid system.Energy Conversion and Management,2013,74:433-445.
[43] Mi Yang,Fu Yang,Wang Chengshan,Wang Peng.Decentralized sliding mode load frequency control for multi-area power systems.IEEE Transactions on Power Systems,2013,28(4):4301-4309.
[44] Wang Chengshan,Li Yan,Peng Ke,Hong Bowen,Wu Zhen,Sun Chongbo.Coordinated optimal design of inverter controllers in a micro-grid with multiple distributed generation units.IEEE Transactions on Power Systems,2013,28(3):2679-2687.
[45] Yu Xiaodan,Jia Hongjie,Wang Chengshan.CTDAE & CTODE models and their applications to power system stability analysis with time delays.Science China-Technological Sciences,2013,56(5):1213-1223.
[46] Wang Chengshan,Zhou Yue,Wang Jidong,Peng Peiyuan.A novel Traversal-and-Pruning algorithm for household load scheduling.Applied Energy,2013,102(SI):1430-1438.
[47] Wang Chengshan,Li Yan,Peng Ke,Wu Zhen,Sun Chongbo,Yuan Kai.Matrix perturbation based approach for sensitivity analysis of eigen-solutions in a microgrid.Science China-Technological Sciences,2013,56(1):237-244.
(1) 微电网技术及应用,北京:科学出版社,2016.3
(2) 微电网分析与仿真理论,北京:科学出版社,2013.12
(3) 配电系统综合评价理论与方法,北京:科学出版社,2012.4
(4) 现代配电系统分析,北京:高等教育出版社,2007.10
(5) 电力系统稳定性理论与方法,北京:科学出版社,1999.1
(6) 中国电力百科全书》电力系统卷(第三版),北京:中国电力出版社,2014.6
(7) 中国智能电网的技术与发展,北京:科学出版社,2013
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(3) “复杂配电系统综合技术评价方法研究、系统开发和工程应用”,国家科技进步二等奖,2010
(4) “城市电网规划理论、模型、方法的研究与工程应用”,国家科技进步二等奖,2004
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(7) “配电系统综合技术评价理论及其工程应用”,天津市科学技术进步奖一等奖,2010
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(10) “城市电网规划理论、模型、方法的研究与工程应用”,教育部科技进步一等奖,2004
(11) “电力大系统安全性与稳定性的理论与方法”,天津市自然科学一等奖,2003
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(3) 2013.05-现在:IEEE Transaction on Sustainable Energy,Editor
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